Cranberry Orange Bread

Now that it is November, cranberries are starting to appear everywhere. Although cranberries by themselves can be tart, the sweetness of this bread and the orange even out the flavor. This would make a great breakfast treat over Thanksgiving weekend if you’re hosting any family!

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Pita Bread

So today’s post is for pita bread. And while this is delicious by itself, it goes really well with the Greek salad post that is going up this Wednesday. So I highly recommend making them together. We’ve been making this in big batches and eating it for lunch all week.

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French Toast Muffins

And I’m back. Finals are done. First year of law school is done. Summer weather is here. So it’s time to get back to sharing lots of fun recipes for all of your summer outdoor get togethers. My next couple of posts will hopefully help you prepare for any big Memorial Day Weekend plans.

Today’s recipe is perfect, if any of your plans involve breakfast/brunch, and you want to prepare the meal ahead of time. These french toast muffins can be done the night before, and just cooked the morning of serving.


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Blackberry Scones Drizzled with Honey

By now you know I love waking up on Sunday mornings and baking something on a whim. It’s the reason I keep our apartment stocked with flour, sugar, butter, eggs, and milk. This was another one of my Sunday morning adventures. Scones are a great thing to make for a brunch for friends or to surprise your significant other or roommate with because they are really easy to make!! Very few ingredients involved and no complicated steps. So go to your nearby farmer’s market, buy some blackberries (or sub in another berry) and make some scones!


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Cinnamon Crunch Skillet Bread

Any of you on the east coast know that we are struggling to get from winter to spring. Just as we get a hint of spring with some sun and warmth, we get covered in snow again. With all this cold weather, this bread has been the perfect thing. It is so warm and enveloping with it’s amazing scent and flavor that it makes up for just a little bit of the horrible dreary weather. But don’t get me wrong, I still REALLY need spring to come. I’m dreaming of avocados, fruit, outdoor BBQs, and everything else amazing that comes with spring and summer. So that forecast of snow on Tuesday better be wrong.


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Easy Parmesan Knots – Perfect Party Snack

This weekend is Oscar weekend, which I look forward to every year. In its honor, I wanted to post one of my new favorite party foods just in case you’re having an Oscar party. I have a tendency to try to make way too much food at my parties, so I always like to have one or two things on the list that take very little effort. And not only do these knots take no time – they’re delicious!!

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Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bread

When Dave and I first started dating, I would leave a couple of food items in his fridge and freezer so that I could still eat the kinds of food I liked when I was over there (eventually he figured out how to shop at Trader Joe’s so I stopped doing this). But one of the things I loved to leave in his freezer was the Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bread from Trader Joe’s. The only problem was, Dave realized how awesome this bread was and tended to eat some (or all of it) when I wasn’t around. I did eventually put a stop to that, but then at some point I forgot about this bread and stopped buying it. That is, until I decided to make my own, and I have to say, it was just as good!

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English Muffins

So Dave and my original life partner, Kelsey, have eaten enough of my baked goods over the years to no longer be impressed. I mean they always compliment things, but it takes something truly amazing to impress them these days. And for some reason, it was something as simple as an English muffin that got their attention recently. I think it comes down to the fact that these actually looked just like an English muffin should, as in what the Thomas brand ones look like. I’ve loved having these around. I immediately froze them, and have just been randomly defrosting them and toasting them when I feel like a little something extra in the morning.

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Pretzel Rolls

I love pretzels (see here for proof). So what’s better than turning them into a roll that you can combine with other things?? I actually made these back in the summer, and used a couple as hamburger buns. I froze the rest and have slowly been defrosting them to use as sides to all the hearty soups we’ve been having. Amazing.

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Buttermilk Scones with Jam

Have you ever experienced a proper tea? Like the kind you have in England with mini sandwiches and amazing scones with cream and jam? Well if not, go online right now, book a ticket to England, and experience a proper British tea. If that’s not an option, then find your nearest fancy hotel that offers a tea. But find some reviews online first to make sure they do it up right. Because the best part of a tea, is not actually the tea. Well at least not for me. It’s the scones with the cream and jam. OH MY GOD. So amazing. Just thinking about it now is making me hungry. Sadly, I don’t do heavy creams or dairies anymore, but I can still get down with a scone and jam. I tested these bad boys out last month for my anniversary. I wanted to surprise Dave with breakfast so I made these and served them with three different fruit jams.

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