Chickpea Cauliflower Salad with Lemon-Dijon Dressing

I must be obsessed with cauliflower this winter because when doing some research for new recipes, I picked 4 separate recipes that all included cauliflower and chickpeas. I’ve only made one of them so far, but it was delicious, so I think I’ll be making the others soon.

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Harvest Bowl

As summer produce comes to an end, it gets harder and harder to make interesting salads. But so far, I’ve still been able to find good broccoli, corn, and tomatoes in the store. This salad is very easy to make, but has enough different flavors in it to keep it interesting. Plus, it is very easy to make in advance and then eat all week if you’re busy!

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Shrimp and Avocado Salad with Pesto Dressing

Summer, as it always does, has blown right by. Outdoor outings and BBQs are about to come to an end and the weather will soon be cooling off. So if you want to maximize your time outside, and not spend too much time in the kitchen cooking, make this for dinner. It takes no time, and would make the perfect meal to take out to your backyard, patio, or roof to enjoy one more summer night before fall begins.

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Farro and Carrot Salad

One of my favorite bloggers, and now cookbook authors, is Deb Perelman who writes Smitten Kitchen. I’ve made a lot of recipes from her blog over the years, and I’ve loved every single thing. So I was really excited to try out the recipes in her cookbook, which my mom got me for Christmas. I was so fired up, I wanted to make something right when we got back to town, before I’d had time to go through and plan what to buy. Based on the ingredients I had, I was able to adapt one of her salads into my own creation. And although I’m sure the original version is scrumptious, my salad turned out delicious as well. This week is the third week in a row that we are having this for dinner. And for those of you looking for a new cookbook, I highly recommend picking this one up (I think my mom found it at Costco).

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My Favorite Meal of the Week – Kale Salad with Beets and Avocado Dressing

Yes, I admit it. I’m one of those people who loves kale. I put it in smoothies, I make kale chips, I throw it in soups, and salads. And this is my most recent kale obsession – a kale salad with beets and a tasty avocado dressing.


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My Favorite Meal of the Week – Corn Cakes and Green Bean Salad

To me, this is one of those quintessential summer dinners. It involves a lot of different vegetables, and is healthy and light, but also filling. The corn cakes are similar to the zucchini fritters I posted previously, so if you liked those, definitely try this out. These have quickly become a new favorite in my house, made even better by the tomato and avocado home-made salsa we served with them. The green bean salad is another light and healthy item with a lot of diverse flavors, but it takes very little time to throw together.

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